About Us

Who are we?

We are those that love everything on the Web.  We are programmers, photographers and designers.   Our phones are glued to us, everywhere we go.  If we stray too far away from WiFi, we begin going through withdrawals.   What we do is not just a job, hobby or duty — it’s our passion.  We love technology and strive to stay on the leading edge.  If we’re not programming for our clients, we’re making websites or mobile applications for all of us to enjoy.  It’s what we do, and we love to do it!

What do we believe?

In the words of the WordPress developers, “Code is Poetry”.  We take this philosophy one step further to say that coding is a form of art.  While our fingers are slamming away at the keyboard, we enter into a deep state of focus — we begin thinking of what this line will do and what that line will do, then start linking this bit of code here with that bit of code there ( Object Oriented Programming ) and before you know it, you have a masterpiece.

Therein lies our beliefs:

  • With our photography, we capture the beauty of the world.
  • With our development, we utilize our abilities to better our clients.
  • With our design, we imagine what can be, and bring it to reality.

Why One Design Studios?

As mentioned above, we love to code.  We spend a considerable amount of our time online researching the latest and greatest.  We do this to maintain our position, on the edge of the technology curve.  Technology is constantly evolving — FAST.   The website you had built two years ago is already outdated and barely looks right in the latest browsers.  It’s reasons such as that, which keep us motivated to learn what’s the latest and greatest.  We code sites using the latest standards which ensure proper layout and functionality on all popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Opera and more.

We enjoy bettering the lives of our clients by building web-based software to automate as much of their business as possible.  A website can be as simple as a business card and as complex as a house or vehicle.  We are confident in our ability to fulfill your needs no-matter what your budget.