Our Products and Services

Website Development and Hosting

The Web today is far more advanced than the Web ten, five or even one year ago.  We are constantly researching the latest in web technologies and are ready to provide you with what your business needs.

A bit of a warning on the following — it’s geeky, but brief.  For those who would like to know more about some of the technologies we work with, we run our sites on extremely stable Hardened Gentoo Linux servers.  Our web-server of choice is Apache.  We use various code editors such as Eclipse, Notepad++, GEdit but the favorite is by far VIM.

We deploy Open Source Web solutions such as WordPress, BuddyPress, Drupal and more as well as fully custom-built websites with tools and services that are not readily available from the Open Source community.

We work closely with each client to ensure efficient planning and development of their home on the Web.

Mobile Applications

We love everything mobile and therefore, love Android.  We successfully deployed several of our own applications and have been an integral part of development and deployment of an array of client applications.

Whether you need someone to take care of your Android, iPhone or Mobile Web needs, One Design Studios is at your service.

Search Engine Optimization

By its nature, the Web is constantly evolving.  For that reason, search engines always evolving with it.  Our familiarity and ongoing research of search engines and their algorithms allows us to provide our clients with results when it comes to being found in searches.